Monday, April 9, 2012

Project 365: The First 100 Days

100 down, only 265 to go! Just wanted to share my thoughts on my first 100 days, so here goes!
  1. I like the details and being close up. There have not been too many instances where I have taken a shot from afar. The details of life are what tend to catch my eye the most, and I seem to take a lot of pictures of food!
  2. The 35mm 1.8 lens has been a great investment for me so far and pairs nicely with the D7000. I'm still on a learning curve with the D7000, but that is to be expected with a new setup!
  3. Some days it is hard to be inspired to take a photo. I carry a camera around with me all the time, but am sometimes uninspired. I found that starting the April Photo A Day challenge has helped give some guidance on what to watch out for when I shoot and challenges me to be creative.
  4. I am learning to be patient with my shots. I have found I have taken less pictures in a day throughout this challenge, as what I think vs. what I capture has been easier to achieve. The only exception is when I'm at an event or doing something for a friend, like pictures of a puppy which is what I was doing today, and then I tend to bang out more shots.
  5. I'm still exploring my style of post-processing and workflow habits. If you have been following along, there is some variation, some much different than others. Slowly but surely, I'm settling into a style, but it does take time!
If you have been following along, I hope that you've been enjoying the photos so far. If you have also been doing the challenge or just want to say hi, leave a comment!

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