Monday, October 1, 2012

Project 365: Day 275 - Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

Project 365: Day 275 - Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

One whole year since we've been married, though sometimes it seems like just yesterday. It's been a wonderful year full of good memories of our first year as a married couple. We've done a lot, grown a lot and still have many more things to look forward to in our 2nd year!

I had to smile when I took this picture. While made of the same materials, the rings have changed shape over the course of a year. My hands are slender and my ring has stayed more or less round, while my husband's hands are much bigger and you can see his fingers are more of an oval shape. No matter what rings he has worn they are all that slightly oval shape!

Our wedding bands form an interesting infinity sign - a little oval and a little round and shaped by the warmth of our hands. Regardless of the shape, it stays strong together and that's what counts! To many more years to come, my love!

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